viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

The Universal Power of Attraction

We've all heard a lot of time the power of the "Law of Attraction", but how many people can ensure they have enjoyed at some point in this law? Might be wondering how  could they know if this group of people who in one way or another have experienced this law nor if they have not yet formed this group, and what they have to do to achieve part of this law!
The theme is simple but complex at the same time, not the law itself, but human beings are very complex individuals.
The real beauty of this law is that everyone can enjoy and participate in it at the moment they decide to do it, everything will depend on itself determination to succeed.
Human beings, they question all the time the ability to achieve a goal, either get the job you want, a car, an apartment, a family, good health, success, prosperity, etc. However, when they fail in their objectives they said and repeated to themselves that this was not the right job, or was not the car you wanted and even looking for an excuse not to reach the goal due to third influences. But have you ever really wondered if their planned  goal was not achieved due to a sabotage of the individual within, that basically do not think deserves to get there? Human beings really never question that part of himself, they do not think they deserve to achieve and accomplish this great desire ...
This is really essential for the Law of Attraction can come up with the universe, humansbeings must start to believe they deserveit, to enjoy that great desire, and from there, all the energies begin to align to those goals and desires become a reality.
In a next post I will talk of several methods for connecting with the Law of Attraction.

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