domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010

Allow, be the owner of your limits!

"Allow" is a word that means "making it possible that something happens" or we could also  define it as "authorizing or approving who ever has authority to do  a certain thing, we could start from these concepts and say that an individual has the possibility to make happen  a certain event. 

We can implement this verb every time we ask or suggest a situation,  we must only  apply the "Allow Law" which leads us to that path to adopt and enforce all that we ask. Also, be careful with all that you focus, raises or want, because to allow, cause to happen all the  positive statements  but also negative, so it is important to canalize all those energies in the right direction.

Start today to Allow  into your universe whatever you want ...Focus always at positive energy ... YOU ARE THE OWNER OF YOUR LIMITS!